Hon. Justice Dr Bamwine during the inaugural run
KAMPALA: The Principal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Yorokamu Bamwine, on Friday (September 6, 2019) flagged off the inaugural Judiciary Health Run at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala.
According to an internal memo sent out by the Judiciary Permanent Secretary, Mr Pius Bigirimana,the Top Policy Management in its meeting of August 7, 2019 resolved that mandatory physical fitness exercise be put in place.
The administrative head of the High Court and all subordinate courts explained that as Top Management they had agreed that Judicial Officers free up their Fridays at 4pm to take part in the health run.
"There is no leisure time for judicial officers since they spend most of their time in court, some don't go to church because they are writing judgements...now we are saying let Judicial Officers and all staff for that matter free up their Friday evenings. Let us see whether this will increase or reduce backlog."
The PJ assured all participants that they would be secure throughout the exercise with security from various security agencies working with the Judiciary.
Mr Bigirimana, who had introduced a similar physical fitness exercise at his former work place at the Gender Ministry, has called upon all Judicial Officers to include physical exercises on their weekly schedule to be able to live healthier and longer lives.
The run,he said, will not only help the officers in fighting non-communicable diseases but also improve teamwork in the Judiciary.
"Through such activities other staff members will be able to rub shoulders with top officials in the Judiciary like judges and other well-guarded officials," he said.
Mr Bigirimana further applauded the judicial staff for their positive response towards this new exercise.
The Chief Registrar, HW Esta Nambayo, welcomed the programme saying it will help in the curbing of "judicial illnesses".
During the inaugural run, the Judiciary hosted staff from Ministry Gender led by the Ag. Permanent Secretary Mr Emitu James.
Mr Bigirimana is credited for starting health runs at the Ministry of Gender.
The team from Gender utilized the occasion to award the PS/SJ an accolade for championing the health drive which saw them successfully take part in 199 runs under his leadership.
Every Friday evening, all Judiciary staff who include Judges, Registrars, Magistrates and support staff will be participating in the health run. There are equally plans to conduct health runs at the different courts throughout the country.
The PS/SJ says the Judiciary Run is in line with the Ministry of Public Service guidelines requiring all civil servants to engage in physical fitness exercises.
According to the Ministry of Health, there is an increase in the number of people dying from non-communicable/lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure,cancers among others.
Posted 10th, September 2019